February 2019
Agriculture Safety Day – Kennewick
Workers in the agriculture industry encounter a wide range of physical and chemical hazards in their daily work. Agriculture Safety Day provides training in how to manage these hazards and stay safe. Topics this year include tractor safety, machine guarding, lock out - tag out, WPS Revisions, and warehouse food processing. Most classes will be in English and Spanish. Some classes will qualify for pesticide re-certification credits.
Find out more »February 2020
STAKEHOLDER MEETING: Industry Input on Smoke Exposure for USDA Grant
Washington wine industry input sought by multi-institutional team collaborating on research grant proposal to address of smoke exposure on grapes and wine, March 2 in Kennewick, Wash.
Find out more »March 2020
March 2021
2021 WineVit Convention
Visit the WineVit website for more information: https://www.winevit.org/
Find out more »February 2022
WineVit 2022
For more information on the 2022 WineVit conference, including program and registration, visit: https://www.winevit.org/
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