Washington Advancements in Viticulture and Enology (WAVE) is the Washington wine industry’s signature research event. The research seminar is a partnership between Washington State University…
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (PST) There is no fee associated with this virtual summit. Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__2FU6dctR6aftaGaQF1DJw#/registration Description: The 2023 Smoke Summit…
The NCSFR invites you to attend the Northwest Small Fruits Research Conference at the Red Lion Hotel, Kennewick Columbia Center in Kennewick, WA. Mark your…
WAVE is the Washington wine industry’s signature research seminar/webinar and stands for Washington Advancements in Viticulture and Enology. WAVEx seminars/webinars feature research in a condensed…
We are delighted to announce the 2021 Washington State University / Washington State Grape Society Viticulture Field Day. This will be an in-person event. Event…