Tag: grape
Walla Walla Grape Day (Oregon State University)
The first Walla Walla Grape Day, sponsored by Oregon State University and the Enology and Viticulture Institute at Walla Walla Valley College, is scheduled for…
Weather with AgWeatherNet – Grape and Blueberry Cold Hardiness Models
From Nov 13, 2024, 3:30 pm to Nov 13, 2024, 4:30 pm Join WSU team to learn about how to use the grape and blueberry…
Grape Cold Damage Discussion #2
Join us for an information discussion on grape cold hardiness, grape cold damage, and how to respond if you found you have cold damage in…
Viticulture Field Day – Harvester Demonstrations
This event has been cancelled. Final Equipment and Speaker Line-up Coming Friday, September 20th. Featured Companies and Equipment New Holland (Sunnyside) –…
Extension Workshop – Fungicide Resistance Management
This workshop is designed for crop consultants, vineyard managers or anyone who writes or recommends fungicide programs. Preregistration is required. See event website for more…
Dealing with Late-Harvest Molds in the Winery
The cool season with the intermittent rains also have allowed Powdery Mildew and Botrytis molds to get established in some vineyards forcing the winemakers to…