Tag: Enology
WineVit 2023
For more information on WineVit 2023, visit: https://www.winevit.org/
Unified Wine and Grape Symposium
For more information on the 2023 Unified Wine and Grape Symposium, please visit: https://www.unifiedsymposium.org/header-event/2023-unified-symposium
Washington Grape and Wine Research Review
The annual Research Review, sponsored by the Washington State Wine Commission, is a forum for researchers seeking grants from Washington wine research programs to share…
WAVE – What’s in your Brett Toolbox?
Webinar will share research information to help winemakers control wine spoilage caused by Brettanomyces bruxellensis.
WAVE – Working with High pH Wines
WAVE Washington Advancements in Viticulture and Enology (WAVE) has become the signature research event for Washington’s wine industry. Co-sponsored by the Wine Commission and Washington State…
2021 WineVit Convention
Visit the WineVit website for more information: https://www.winevit.org/